Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Notes on the Blogging Conference

This is from by feedback to the organizers:
What session did you enjoy the most, and why?
Open Notebook, by Jean-Claude Bradley - I think this is a major part of the future of science. More generally, the validation and vetting of knowledge and expertise is gradually expanding beyond universities, and this is one of the great changes of our time. I also like it that Jean-Claude is enthusiastic about automating science.

My comment about knowledge and expertise is very crude, of course. I am busy studying a lot of other things - anyone willing to try to formulate the point better and in more detail?

Bradley's lab is at

and one other blogger especially working on the issue of open notebook science is Bill Hooker at http://www.sennoma.net/.

The slides for Bradley's talk are at
http://www.slideshare.net/jcbradley/science-blogging-conference-bradley-talk .

More links are at
http://scienceblogs.com/clock/2007/01/conference_blogging.php and
http://mistersugar.stikipad.com/blogtogether/show/Conference+Links+and+Liveblogging .

1 comment:

Jean-Claude Bradley said...

Thanks for coming to my session! The screencast recording is available here.